Print Preview

The "Print Preview" mode shows the score as it will be printed. This allows you to visually proof the printout of your tablature without having to actually print it out first.

In Preview mode, the editing commands are not available, the ruler scale changes and now represents page measurements expressed in millimeters. The view scale button now allows you to zoom in or out. The dotted lines represent the margins and limits of the header and footer. You can hide them with the button.

The button you directly to the printout process and prints everything displayed in the preview.

The button of the toolbar opens the Preferences dialog box. Then you can modify the options and check the result by pressing the "Apply" button.

The button opens the Page Setup standard dialog where you can set the paper size and orientation.

The button allows you to export a pdf file directly.

From the preview you can return to normal editing mode by clicking the button or by typing [Escape].