
"About 15-16 years ago I ran across TablEdit (and a few similar programs), thankfully I chose TablEdit over the others (most of the original competition is not around anymore). Matthieu and Keith seemed to always be responsive to feedback and implement improvements. Originally, I had an acoustic-electric, and a low-end electric (gift) to work with. I credit TablEdit with empowering me to see that I could do so much more with the program, and before long I had purchased a decent 12-string, and a Martin Backpacker. Despite being able to read musical score, like many others I found tab much easier to flow with. Furthermore, when it came time for me to reverse the process - I felt comfortable using TablEdit to put my own music to paper. A few years ago I developed a neurological condition, which now prevents me from playing like I once did, but thanks to TablEdit I can still hear the chords and notes I put together, and even continue to write some of my music which otherwise I would not be able to do. I am thankful for that, and for people like Matthieu and Keith who I have watched go above and beyond for a product that they offer a single price for lifetime upgrades. You can't go wrong with TablEdit - because they truly have no competition in my book. At least that's my 2-cents."
- Steven Edge, Florida, USA


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