TablEdit Users Say:

"I have been using TablEdit for several years now. As a not-very-good player and not much of a trained musician, I find it easy to simply copy sheet music notation, push the button for tablature, and 'Bob's your uncle' I can start developing chord melody solos for ukulele, baritone uke, tenor guitar, and whatever other instrument I have on hand. Once I have tab lead sheets, I can share with my chums (usually much better players) and we can have fun with music you don't find in all the standard songbooks. I am now seventy-five years old and I should have started playing seventy years ago. Sometimes TablEdit helps me sound like I did!"
- Bruce Kriviskey, Massachusetts, USA


TablEdit on Linux, it works !

At this time there are no plans for a Linux version of TablEdit due to the fact that TablEdit runs fine under WINE emulation

Two steps are required to use all the features of TablEdit:

  • For MIDI playback: Install TiMidity. Then in TablEdit, open the dialog MIDI->MIDI Setup and select the first available TiMidity port (see the screenshot above).
  • To view and print musical symbols in the notation: Use Wine->Browse C: Drive to copy the tef265.ttf true type font from (below) to the Windows\Fonts folder. Just copy the file to the Windows\Fonts directory

Floating palettes work quite poorly under Wine. Also, it is recommended to check the "Dock All" option in Options->Screen to force all palettes to be docked. This will also have the advantage of informing the program that it is running on Linux.

Click here in order to get other hints and information about the program on Linux.

You can also download from the current page: